Prophetic Voice Now
By the financial crash of 2008 neo-liberalism had become known as the scam it always was, and capitalism, in crisis, now needed and needs neo-fascist politics as crutches with surveillance under one arm and militarized police under the other. The news reminds us daily of Brexit, Trump (and those like him), and the inequality that is bound to lead to violence. Prophetic Voice Now argues why the prophetic voice by screen, fiction, and poetry writers is vitally important now while we are outside Plato’s Cave, experiencing what Zizek calls the "edifice of the logical interconnection of all possible illusion:" We get to try again, to "fail better," perhaps with dialectics in mind. Given that our global and national cultures are interregnum at this time and that we are at the threshold of such phenomena as the-internet-of-all-things and transhumans (or what Harari calls Homo Deus), the paper explains why giving voice to alternative myths (or ideologies) may help redirect the current direction. The paper offers an example, urging changing one’s life through practice to become a member of Zizek’s “fragile absolute” in the struggle to reclaim the commons as space craft (Ecology, biology, intellectual property, etc.), referring to a place where humans value their being, their becoming, lives as Nietzsche’s acrobats. The paper refers to Harari, Zuboff, Brown, Zizek, Sloterdijk, Heidegger, and perhaps others in its argument and has time for virtual question and answer exchange.
December 2024
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